Friday, April 8, 2011

April 8th 2011 11:37pm @pourjons, Siloam Springs, AR, USA

"Elvis" ISO3200 0.3sec. @F/10

Day 1
"For me, photography is a way to share what I have seen. It also allows me to live the kind of life I want to live. I became an animal photographer to stay in Africa and study the lions. In the early stages at least, photography is the profession you embrace to live on the roads and travel; a camera provides an excellent excuse to take off, leaving responsibilities and ties behind."
For this first entry to my photojournal, I just want to introduce myself, My name is Jose Pablo Garcia Bucio, I was born in the best city in Mexico -Guadalajara, Jalisco- I love Mexico, as I love my Isabel. (Isabel is my camera, she is always with me). now, I am living in the weirdest place ever, Siloam Springs, Why do I live here? well I am a college student, I am studying at John Brown University, and JBU is in Siloam. My major is photography, Why? because I am an artist, that uses photography for show his ideas! 

Para este primer dia en my diario fotografico, quiero presentarme como muy educadamente me ense;o mi madre, me llamo Jose Pablo Garcia Bucio, naci en Guadlajara, Jalisco, Mexico. Amo a mi pais, como amo a mi camara isabel! Isabel y yo siempre andamos juntos! Ahorita vivo en USA porque me dieron una beca por jugar futbol, estudio fotorgrafia porque no se dibujar! 
